The Reston Heights Home Owners Association (RHHOA) is within the borders of the Sprecher East Neighborhood Association (SENA) which encompasses the areas of the RHHOA and the Door Creek Homeowners Association (DCHOA) which is approximately Sprecher Road on the west, Milwaukee Street on the north, the Door Creek Conservancy on the east and Cottage Grove Road on the south. The purpose of SENA is to represent the neighbors interests to the City and provide a social network for the neighborhood. Membership in SENA is optional.
Board Positions and Contact Email
President - Jane Duffstein
Vice-President - Jessie Engelkins
Secretary - Mary Reines
Treasurer - Julie Duffstien
Architectural Control Committee Members Contact Email:
Brian Kiel, Chairman
Steve Marchillo
Derrick Wright
Kathy Vogt