The Reston Heights Homeowners Association (RHHOA) was formed to ensure architectural uniformity of the external appearance of buildings within the subdivision. The second major responsibility of the Association is to maintain the grassy areas and landscape of the common areas within the Reston Heights subdivision (boulevards, parkways). Property owners, by deed restriction, are required to pay yearly dues to be used for this purpose. Not all properties within Reston Heights Subdivision are deed-restricted, dues-paying properties. See the section below for more information. Title companies needing to confirm dues status may submit inquiries and requests directly to: Please allow 2 weeks for processing. As a footnote, we are not a Condo association, nor do we have any jurisdiction over Condo dues (paid for roof replacement, etc.) Title companies handling condo sales should contact the condo manager.
Not all properties in Reston Heights are required to pay dues. A property’s “Dues-Paying” or “Exempt” status is related to the date the Reston Heights Homeowners Association (RHHOA) was formed.
In the late 1990s, a local developer worked with the City of Madison to develop the Reston Heights subdivision, creating a neighborhood plan that included single family homes, duplexes, multi-housing units, and common “grassy” areas. In a legally-binding agreement between the City and RHHOA (which originally WAS the developer), many issues of how the neighborhood would be developed were addressed, and the way was paved for the developer to purchased large amounts of land in Reston Heights and manage its construction.
This formalized agreement with the City addressed, among other things, 3 major aspects of home ownership in Reston Heights:
The RHHOA agreement with the City of Madison and information on Deed Restrictions, Covenants, and Dues Assessment can be found under “HOA Information” at Prior to the formation of RHHOA, a small number of lots in Reston Heights had already been sold to individual builders. It is this set of lots, sold prior to the development, plus a few others as indicated in the Agreement, that are exempt from dues assessment. Although “Exempt” properties do not pay dues, all of the properties in Reston Heights are bound by the Covenants and Deed Restrictions.
The lots (indicated by lot number) that are exempt from RHHOA Association dues are as follows:
10 21 32 40 50 84 100 209
11 22 37 41 51 85 113 210
12 23 38 42 52 86 114
13 24 39 43 53 95 115
14 25 45 54
15 27 46 55
19 28 47
The “Exempt” properties are located on the north side of Reston Heights. To determine specific street addresses, visit the City of Madison Property Assessor’s Website at ALL other lots in Reston Heights are legally required to pay yearly Association dues.
The “Dues-Paying” or “Exempt” status is attached to the individual property (not the owner) and does not change when the property is sold. There is a process by which an “Exempt” property can become a “Dues-Paying” property. Please contact the President at for more information.
If you have questions about dues, e-mail the Treasurer at: