2025 dues are unchanged from 2024
They will be $225, or $200 if you pay before May 1, 2025
Your lot in Reston Heights is required to pay yearly dues to support the upkeep of the common areas in the subdivision. We run a very frugal budget. Nonetheless the general cost of landscaping, snow removal and sewer costs – our main costs - have continued to rise, despite best practices.
The Board is setting dues at $225 for 2025 with an early pay discount of $25.00. Owners may take advantage of the Board’s “prompt pay discount” and pay $200.00 instead of $225.00 when paid before May 1st, 2025. For duplexes, owners may take advantage of the Board’s “prompt pay discount” and pay $100.00 each instead of $112.50 each.
Reston Heights Homeowner’s Association dues are due by May 31, 2025.
Make checks payable: Reston Heights Homeowner’s Association (RHHOA)
P.O. Box 7603 Madison, WI 53707-7603
2021 was an eventful year for RHHOA as we undertook some major landscaping work along Sprecher Ave, for which we had been saving and budgeting for several years. We hired Barnes to complete the project, which included the removal of 3 deciduous trees, 1 shrub, and 3 spruce trees, including stump removal. We also had two maples pruned and steel cables were inserted to mitigate the chances of limb failure. Barnes also removed all rock and graded earth that had been deteriorating and planted new grass. The contract includes watering and replanting where necessary in 2022 to ensure the grass is established. The total cost of the project was $29,900.
Following completion of that work, we had a significant wind storm blow through on December 15, 2021 that took out three other healthy pine trees and impacted the landscaping work. Therefore, we will need to incur extra expenses to replant these trees and perform additional landscaping work in the future.
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