Members requested a neighborhood garage sale weekend at the Annual Homeowners Meeting in February.
Garage Sales were held May 30-31, 2025, the same dates as the Richmond Hills Neighborhood Garage Sale.
Reston Heights Homeowner's Association Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting is your chance to provide input into how our Association operates. Please plan to attend the next Annual Meeting when it's held in February 2026.
A proxy is allowed to cast the vote of a lot owner if one cannot attend the annual meeting. Print the proxy form and mail it to the board or drop it off with a board member or a neighbor who is attending the meeting.
Proxy form will be included with the mailed Annual Meeting Notice.
Proxy form can be printed from the online 2026 newsletter.
Refuse and/or Recycling Cart Reminder
Deed Restrictions ARTICLE V - Trash containers shall be kept inside of garages and may be placed on curb only on days of trash collection.
City of Madison - Trash and recycling carts shall not be placed on the terrace/curb more than 12 hours before the day of collection. All trash and recycling carts shall be removed from the terrace/curb within 24 hours after the day of collection.
Refuse and/or Recycling Cart questions?
New Large Items Pickup PolicyStarting June 1, 2021, you will need to fill out a work order to schedule your large item pickup. Streets will no longer be doing large item pick up from the curb every other week. For more information, visit https://www.
Or you can contact Streets at 608-246-4532 (East Building). The office is open from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
Cleaning - "Clean Sweep" Information
The Clean Sweep facility is located at 7102 US Hwy 12, Madison WI 53718, (Beltline/12/18 East toward Cambridge) across from the Yahara Hills Golf Course at the Dane County Landfill.